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The Yellow Brick Road(map) is a program that is designed as a step-by-step guide to get your business from $0 —> $5-figures, $5-figures —> $6-figures, and $6-figures —> multiple $7-figures.

Unlike other programs that teach you how to solve one specific challenge in your business, YBR focuses on four foundational pillars that will help you the solve operational problems that keep your business stagnant.

The Yellow Brick Road(map) ⚙️

YBR is a 10-week program that teaches coaches and trainers what to prioritize based on their stage of growth, and how to set up the systems that will allow them to scale. From here, we'll work in a 1:1 setting to be sure we are customizing everything to your business, giving you maximum visibility and control over the direction of our partnership.


Unlike consulting firms, hiring employees to solve business problems, or learning through books or other online courses, YBR is cost-effective and flexible for your specific business needs.

The YBR Difference ⚖️


1. Consulting firms vs. YBR: Consulting firms can be costly**,** with hourly rates as high as $200-$250/hr and a minimum weekly engagement of 20+ hours. Additionally, they structure their engagement by the project, so making it adjustments based on new insights is challenging.

Yellow Brick Road: Our partnerships are based on your business’s unique challenges and not an hourly or project rate. This allows for maximum flexibility and aligned incentives to drive results.

2. Hiring/ freelancers vs YBR: Junior employees are expensive**, $50k-$100k (before bonuses, benefits, payroll taxes, etc*).*** Freelancers and offshoring tasks may be more cost-effective, but like ******hiring full-time employees, they require considerable time and effort to manage if you want them to execute effectively.


Yellow Brick Road: Your partners are founder-level team members and small business executives with deep experience in solving complex business-level problems, implementing repeatable systems, and onboarding junior employees, freelancers, or offshore talent to execute with minimal oversight on your behalf for less of the cost of an intern’s salary**.**


3. Online courses, books, and DIY vs. YBR:** Courses and books can be helpful but often offer one-size-fits-all solutions. Applying and implementing these learnings to your business meaningfully can be challenging.

Yellow Brick Road: We are your partner. We will work together to jointly identify your business's challenges jointly and help you/your team develop custom systems, solutions, and skills needed to overcome them.

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