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As the first full-time employee of an interview preparation program, Nick helped turn a six-figure coaching service into a international eight-figure business entirely through word of mouth. In just four years, we grew from a single, humble cubicle in a co-working space into a thriving international company, serving 10’s of thousands of job seekers, without spending a dime on marketing.

While timing and hard work were critical factors in this success, the lessons learned are universal and repeatable and can help any business supercharge its growth.



Dina brings a positive and solution-oriented mindset to even the most complex problems. Her business coaching career began at home, where she supported three successful family-owned businesses from the ground up. She gained a love for using better storytelling to hit new sales records, which inspired her to pursue her master’s degree from Penn in anthropology (the study of human culture, behavior, and decision-making). After school, Dina returned to the business world to help small businesses understand buyer psychology and improve their sales, marketing, and customer service functions.

As an advisor, Victor helps organizations focus on what matters and ignore the noise. He has worked with dozens of organizations worldwide in industries spanning healthcare, energy, food, and automation to implement better strategies for products/ services, earning $billions collectively in annual recurring revenue. Victor uses a proven approach to align owners, management, and teams on a shared language around the business results that matter most. With an interdisciplinary background in the sciences, humanities, and international business, he believes companies' most significant potential lies in helping people reach their potential.



As an advisor, Joseph has helped thousands of professionals advance in their careers, and many pursue their dreams of launching a company. Joesph’s career began in software engineering. However, he quickly took on leadership and advisory roles to help business owners make bigger and better investments in their companies and build vital new partnerships. Much of his focus has been on helping founders benefit more from technology and helping technical experts better contribute to business goals. He believes that working together in business and technology is the best way to start generating small wins early to learn what works and gain momentum towards financial goals!

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