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We host a community that will cover our four pillars in-depth and offers all the support needed to accelerate your growth.

Each pillar is offered as it’s own 4-week course where we deep dive into diagnosing problems within your business, and how to tackle them at the root of the issue. Or you can bundle all four to make sure your business is healthy as a whole! 🧑‍🏫

Pillar 1: Be Productive ⏳ ****

Creating the Entrepreneurial Mindset Helping you overcome imposter syndrome and adopt a growth mindset because your state of mind affects your productivity and your productivity impacts how your business performs. Flow States & Daily Schedule Learn the science of productivity and peak cognitive performance to stop getting stuck in a never-ending to-do list, avoid burnout, and start executing efficiently.

Pillar 2: Get More Customers 👏 ****

Getting your first/ next customers We will cover three methods to help you consistently and reliably generate leads and close new clients whenever needed.

Personas Who is your target customer? Why? How do you validate that your messaging resonates with people willing and able to pay for your products and services? What do I do if market conditions shift my target market? All these questions will be answered and more! Defining Your Niche You are great at what you do! But there’s only one problem… are there others who offer similar products and services? Why should someone choose to work with you instead of others? Better yet, how do you become the sought-after business within your industry or segment of the market?

Pillar 3: Provide High Value Services 🚀

Importance of Iterations There is a reason Nostradamus is known for predicting the future rather than building businesses. The truth is, we only know what will work once we see how the market responds. But how do we know what is working, what isn’t, and why? Answering these questions and acting on these insights quickly allows you to build trust with your customers and catapult your business past competitors. Understanding the Problem & Solution Society and technology evolve rapidly, and so will your customers' needs. The company that best understands the problems that their customers face can build the best solutions. This is critical, as your customers will continue to buy the best solutions today and tomorrow (whether these are your solutions or not).

Tracking Quality The most apparent indication of continued growth, potential stagnation, or, worse, revenue decline is the perceived quality of your products and services. In this session, we will help you set up systems to track perceived quality so you can take proper action if and when quality slips.

Pillar 4: Do What You Love 🤟 ****

KPIs & S.O.I.L

What key performance indicators must you track to keep your business growing? How do you respond if and when you see these indicators trending in the wrong direction? Most importantly? How do you prioritize the proper actions to get your business in the right direction?

Hiring, Onboarding, & Activating At some point, you will need to build a team to support your business’s growth. The only way to ensure quality execution and play to your strengths, is to have a plan for when to hire, how to onboard effectively, and set your team up for long-term success in their roles!