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Testimonials 🫶


*“I recently completed a game-changing program with Nick and Dina at YBR, and I can't sing their praises loud enough. This program is for you if you're a small business owner dreaming of reaching eight figures without VC funding.

From day one, it was evident that YBR was different. Unlike other programs I've tried, YBR provided a crystal-clear roadmap to scaling my business from $0 to 8 figures.*

*Other programs I've tried taught me how to land my first customer and what I need to do to get to six figures, but YBR provided the nitty-gritty of going from $0 to five figures, then six to seven figures and beyond. It was like finally seeing the business journey through a new, easy-to-follow lens.

The sessions were not only informative but downright enjoyable. The 1:1 sessions with Nick and Dina were invaluable. They genuinely care about your success and will go the extra mile to ensure you reach your goals. We overhauled my calendar together, honing in on what truly matters in my business and eliminating distractions. They guided me through setting quarterly goals, tracking progress, and iterating quickly based on feedback – a game-changer for someone like me who waits for perfection before launching.

One of the biggest revelations for me was the power of customer research. Nick and Dina taught me how to ask the right questions to uncover pain points and solve real problems – a strategy that has already transformed my approach to product development.

Whether you're just starting or have been in business for years, I wholeheartedly recommend the YBR program. Their refreshing approach to business and genuine care and attention to feedback set them apart from the rest. Don't hesitate—join YBR." Chaz, Founder of UFLO.*


**Case Studies 💼

Full-time Yogi:**


$700,000+ Dog-trainer:
